Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard Free Essays

Methods of Analysis Character Analysis on Story Of An Hour The Story of an Hour is short story in which numerous things occurred during that hour. With in an hour the primary character Mrs. Mallard experience feelings that she never felt in her life. We will compose a custom paper test on The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now During the procedure of the story we start to see a character that is feeble wiped out and summited to society regiment. Right now of the unforeseen, Mrs. Mallard demonstrated an alternate part of herself. We will in general respond in the distinctive planned ways when a sudden occasion occurs. We will in general have a nearby glance at our genuine selves. The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin mirrors the emotional procedure of Mrs. Mallard’s character through the passing of her significant other. It additionally exhibits that the genuine personality can't be shielded until the end of time. Mrs. Mallard character had an unmistakable character. A lady who summited her self to the psychological maltreatment of her significant other and she got wiped out from all the stinging she kept inside (227). She stays calm during her life not permitting anybody to know her most profound considerations. She was not allowed to do as she needed. Mrs. Mallard had the longing of connecting with the world outside and to have the option to talk at whatever point she needed to. The detail I am keen on the most is the response of Mrs. Mallard toward the idiom â€Å"Free Body and Soul free! †(228). It is difficult to comprehend her response. I imagine that response is the aftereffect of her inside clash where she wavers about how to decide her own sentiments. She doesn’t realize how to respond, she should feel sorry about the passing news, however she feels upbeat about opportunity (228). Toward the start, when I saw her response about the updates on her significant other passing, I started to break down the character. Toward the start of the story, I saw a coldblooded character, as I keep perusing; it got cleared to me that Kate Chopin was attempting to communicate something specific through her story. In the start of the nineteenth century, this response was inadmissible in the public arena. Anyway through the cutting edge readers’ eyes; her response is the blast of her actual sentiments which were stifled for quite a while. During the timetable wherein the story depended on, a spouse must be compliant to her better half and her life was kept to the house. Ladies in those days were not allowed to separate; the main way they would gain freedom was by turning out to be widows. A conventional job that way, makes Mrs. Mallard think of her as marriage as a weight and she feels free when she becomes acquainted with about her husband’s passing. That’s the explanation Mrs. Mallard became upbeat when she heard the updates on her spouses demise. I believe that she felt overpowered with her regular day to day existence of a worker, with complete reliance on Brently his choices and possibly his predominance. To me it appears that the character of Mrs. Mallard is an individual who is frustrated with the cruel truth of her regular living, and that she is additionally subliminally searching for an opportunity to escape from a troubled marriage. She adored her better half and earnestly weeped for him when she knows about his demise, and yet she is glad to secure her opportunity again(228). Through Mrs. Mallard response, I can see that she experiences a ton her wedded life. Mrs. Mallard attempts to utilize her will to beat the sentiment of opportunity and the craving for freedom, however her will loses, and her actual inclination assumes responsibility for her reasoning. Subsequently, her response is not the same as what is normal and anticipated. Her outcry of opportunity sway the perusers, in light of the surprising response of Mrs. Mallard, by Chopin permitting this articulation in the story it enables the peruser to comprehend within battle of her own life. Mrs. Mallard is a clear character that distinguishes the life of Chopin. It shows her private needs, feeling and desires which she kept inside. Chopin lived in a period where ladies were not heard. By and by, I imagine that the adage free is the response that communicates the sentiments about society censorious approaches to ladies. To Mrs. Mallard it resembles a jail being under the mistreatment of her significant other position. She had lived heavily influenced by her significant other, with little character and time of her own. Perhaps to under his forced private will it was mistaking for her capacity to distinguish herself. The articulation in the response enables the peruser to recognize all the more firmly with her requirement for distinction. I likewise can relate to Mrs. Mallard with myself: she is a woman who penances herself for her significant other. Her response shows that notwithstanding a great deal of anguish, she is happy to keep up the spouse job the last second. She just sets out to let her actual inclination spill out after she knows about his passing and in a spot away from general visibility, in her room (228). Her maxim discloses to me that in her life she has never experienced such a snapshot of incredible delight, joy and energy like this. Later on in the story, she got an incredible failure when she learns her better half was alive. That carried her to her passing which in another manner she turned out to be liberated from her persecution (228). At the point when I read this story just because, it was by all accounts an account of numerous eccentric subtleties. To me, the story is still exceptionally refreshing until exacting social inclination and people groups assumptions regarding sexual orientation jobs when all is said in done and marriage specifically are denied totally. The most effective method to refer to The Deadly Happiness of Mrs,. Mallard, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Research Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Analysis - Essay Example The theory being tried is : Would a specific conversation type impact thorough guidance? The investigation adjusted the idea of Academic Rigor as a methods for estimating understanding cognizance. This was explicitly utilized since the analysts accepted that Academic Rigor is one of the Principles of Learning that draws in dynamic utilization of information among students. The scientists learning desires were very high since they needed to watch basic speculation among members. Among the writing survey, the examination refered to Brown’s community oriented discourse. Brown’s hypothesis is regularly utilized in what we call cooperative classrooms† wherein information is shared among educators and understudies. Instructors don't just utilize ability however â€Å"also worth and expand upon the information, individual encounters, language, techniques, and culture that understudies bring to the learning situation† ( Tinzmann,, 1990). The examination additionally referenced the idea of Academic Rigor which is regularly misjudged. All things considered , a decent meaning of scholarly thoroughness is â€Å" adequate time be committed to a theme or unit of study and that understudies would have a chance to investigate it inside and out, creating inquiries as they go along† ( Chapter 7:A-4,, 2005). Evidently, a great deal of instructors today have an inappropriate impression of this term coming about to neglected de sires in study hall learning. The examination likewise introduced Applebee’s concentrate on the significance of conversation based exercises. Notwithstanding, Adler ( 2003) underscored that conversation is powerful on the off chance that it is monologic wherein the educator doesn't bind the exercise through talk and seatwork. Conversation based is definitely not another idea any longer however an increasingly significant thing is the means by which it is being executed in the homeroom. To put it plainly, the writing survey underscores the significance of community exchange, kinds of homeroom talks that can upgrade learning and the appropriateness of Academic Rigor in advancing

Friday, August 21, 2020

West Coast Trip Report

West Coast Trip Report Im back in Boston and absurdly jetlagged. I promised, though, that I would post updates from my West Coast trip after I returned, so, here is my trip report, with 100% more screaming toilets than I had anticipated. [ASK] me about traveling for 2.5 weeks in two carry-on bags. May 13-14: Bae-Area Bloggers Ill arrive this afternoon, try to grab a quick coffee with CMS/Civic classmate Rodrigo, who now runs product at Neighborly, before heading over to a celebration dinner for Jess K. 10 graduating from med school. My flight was delayed due to ongoing construction at SFO so I couldnt connect with Rodrigo. I did, however, make Dr. Kims graduation dinner. Tomorrow, Ill drive down to South Bay and work out at Stanford h a c k e d then stop by the Stupid Shit No One Needs And Terrible Ideas Hackathon to hang out with Rachel F. 12 and Danny B.D. 15 before flying to LAX that night. Not only did I get to do this, but I got to see Danny and Sabrina S. 16 build two amazing, terrible, amazingly terrible contraptions. First, heres Danny demoing the Worlds Worst Spoon, which him and Sabrina were working on when I got there. Then, they told me they also had the idea for a plunger that would scream at you while you used it. Inspired by the singing toothbrush, but yknow, more stupid. I couldnt build it, but I volunteered to provide the vocals, and so proceeded to scream into an iPhone in a bathroom in the Mission so loudly that when I finished people applauded. Of all the things Ive helped make that will live on after me, this may be my favorite, and its always good to know that if this admissions thing doesnt work out I have a promising future in screamtech. Im also very proud to show off Danny and Sabrinas work as an excellent example of what an MIT education can make you capable of making. May 15-19: ISEF @ LA This coming week Ill be tabling at ISEF, the worlds largest and most prestigious science and engineering research competition for high school students (you can read my trip reports for ISEF in 2015 and 2016). ISEF is a great competition that sends many alumni to MIT and is broadly aligned with the international strategy recently announced by MIT. Ill be holding down booth 307 in the ISEF Commons with Laurie Stach and her team from MIT Launch, as well as giving symposia talks on the application process for researchers and international students. Anna H. 14, blogger alumna (and now PhD student at Dread Caltech), will probably be helping me out at the table, along with some of our LA ECs. ISEF went great! Ill probably blog a rundown of MIT 2021s and their projects later this week, but for now, here is a photo of us having an ice cream reunion outside the main building: and me and Anna holding down the booth in the commons I also definitely made a trip back to Bluesalt Fish Grill from my last time in LA: May 20-21: BAMF Next weekend Ill return to the Bay for the annual Maker Faire Bay Area to give a talk about our Maker Portfolio. I gave this talk! I didnt take any pictures of it, but my slides are here. I did, however, take pictures of robots: This weekend will also hopefully feature a blogger reunion BBQ; rest assured I will post it if that happens. We swapped BBQ for brunch! Here you can see me presenting my breakfast while rfong presents how to eat it; also, an Anastassia selfie of her, me, rfong, Mollie, Jess, and Michael. May 22-26: Civics in the Sun Ill head down to San Diego. My plan is to take Monday and Tuesday as hard vacation: no work or email, just surfing and reading. I was unsuccessful at taking hard vacation, but my nominal vacation did include good amounts of surfing, reading, and burgers w/ former admissions officer Holly, who now lives in SoCal. Starting Wednesday Ill be attending Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide (PPDD), a conference organized in conjunction with the International Communications Association (ICA), which is the big annual conference in the field. Im going to present on research Ive been conducting at Civic on Internet filtering in public schools and libraries as part of an broader project on contemporary censorship in public institutions. I did this! You can read my liveblogs of the conference and summary/slides of my presentation over on the Civic site. Then, if all goes well, Ill get back in Boston on Saturday morning, just in time to catch the final two days of Boston Calling Mission accomplished, more or less. Pretty sure after this work/vacation I need another vacation. But I always enjoy my time on the left coast. Thanks for having me! l a t e r s Post Tagged #Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) #Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) #Maker Faire #photography

West Coast Trip Report

West Coast Trip Report Im back in Boston and absurdly jetlagged. I promised, though, that I would post updates from my West Coast trip after I returned, so, here is my trip report, with 100% more screaming toilets than I had anticipated. [ASK] me about traveling for 2.5 weeks in two carry-on bags. May 13-14: Bae-Area Bloggers Ill arrive this afternoon, try to grab a quick coffee with CMS/Civic classmate Rodrigo, who now runs product at Neighborly, before heading over to a celebration dinner for Jess K. 10 graduating from med school. My flight was delayed due to ongoing construction at SFO so I couldnt connect with Rodrigo. I did, however, make Dr. Kims graduation dinner. Tomorrow, Ill drive down to South Bay and work out at Stanford h a c k e d then stop by the Stupid Shit No One Needs And Terrible Ideas Hackathon to hang out with Rachel F. 12 and Danny B.D. 15 before flying to LAX that night. Not only did I get to do this, but I got to see Danny and Sabrina S. 16 build two amazing, terrible, amazingly terrible contraptions. First, heres Danny demoing the Worlds Worst Spoon, which him and Sabrina were working on when I got there. Then, they told me they also had the idea for a plunger that would scream at you while you used it. Inspired by the singing toothbrush, but yknow, more stupid. I couldnt build it, but I volunteered to provide the vocals, and so proceeded to scream into an iPhone in a bathroom in the Mission so loudly that when I finished people applauded. Of all the things Ive helped make that will live on after me, this may be my favorite, and its always good to know that if this admissions thing doesnt work out I have a promising future in screamtech. Im also very proud to show off Danny and Sabrinas work as an excellent example of what an MIT education can make you capable of making. May 15-19: ISEF @ LA This coming week Ill be tabling at ISEF, the worlds largest and most prestigious science and engineering research competition for high school students (you can read my trip reports for ISEF in 2015 and 2016). ISEF is a great competition that sends many alumni to MIT and is broadly aligned with the international strategy recently announced by MIT. Ill be holding down booth 307 in the ISEF Commons with Laurie Stach and her team from MIT Launch, as well as giving symposia talks on the application process for researchers and international students. Anna H. 14, blogger alumna (and now PhD student at Dread Caltech), will probably be helping me out at the table, along with some of our LA ECs. ISEF went great! Ill probably blog a rundown of MIT 2021s and their projects later this week, but for now, here is a photo of us having an ice cream reunion outside the main building: and me and Anna holding down the booth in the commons I also definitely made a trip back to Bluesalt Fish Grill from my last time in LA: May 20-21: BAMF Next weekend Ill return to the Bay for the annual Maker Faire Bay Area to give a talk about our Maker Portfolio. I gave this talk! I didnt take any pictures of it, but my slides are here. I did, however, take pictures of robots: This weekend will also hopefully feature a blogger reunion BBQ; rest assured I will post it if that happens. We swapped BBQ for brunch! Here you can see me presenting my breakfast while rfong presents how to eat it; also, an Anastassia selfie of her, me, rfong, Mollie, Jess, and Michael. May 22-26: Civics in the Sun Ill head down to San Diego. My plan is to take Monday and Tuesday as hard vacation: no work or email, just surfing and reading. I was unsuccessful at taking hard vacation, but my nominal vacation did include good amounts of surfing, reading, and burgers w/ former admissions officer Holly, who now lives in SoCal. Starting Wednesday Ill be attending Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide (PPDD), a conference organized in conjunction with the International Communications Association (ICA), which is the big annual conference in the field. Im going to present on research Ive been conducting at Civic on Internet filtering in public schools and libraries as part of an broader project on contemporary censorship in public institutions. I did this! You can read my liveblogs of the conference and summary/slides of my presentation over on the Civic site. Then, if all goes well, Ill get back in Boston on Saturday morning, just in time to catch the final two days of Boston Calling Mission accomplished, more or less. Pretty sure after this work/vacation I need another vacation. But I always enjoy my time on the left coast. Thanks for having me! l a t e r s Post Tagged #Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) #Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) #Maker Faire #photography

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Internal Control Of Nigerian Banking Sector - 1323 Words

DISCUSSION This section of this chapter aims to interpret the findings and critically evaluate the study. This research indicates that internal control can prevent and detect fraud in Nigerian banking sectors. The first section of the findings contains the first objectives of this research which is to find out the employee knowledge based on the concept of fraud in banking sector. Therefore, According Biegelman, Martin T, (2013) said The penchant for extortion happens when three basic components meet up; intention, opportunity, and rationalization each of these components is fundamental and interrelated all together for a man to commit fraud and the nonappearance of any of them would not permit a man to commit fraud. Opportunity is the driving variable. Without circumstance, fraud plan can t succeed. Similarly, if a person s honesty is affected by pressure and justification, and opportunity presents itself, unless the individual has the ability to confer the extortion, the plan won t succeed (D ennis M. Lormel 2011). However, from the researchers’ findings having asked the staff at the bank there what they think fraud is, 50% of the respondent defined fraud as an illegal act of acquiring wealth, Aderibigbe (1999) and Onibudo (2007) also contributed to fraud immensely, these authors mentioned that one of the causes of fraud is because of inadequate compensation no increase in salary or fringe benefit given to staff, poverty and infidelity of employees fraud is bound toShow MoreRelatedImpact of Computer in Banking System in Nigeria2674 Words   |  11 Pagesin banking industries (Cache) (Images) (Similar) The research has critically examined then influence of computer on modern banking system in Nigeria. The finding of this research has show that computer has ... 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In the creation of this culture the following are instituted: alignment of information security with business objectives where security controls used must be practical and provide real and measurable risk reduction; risk based approach where the information security managers understand the institution and are able to select appropriate controls to mitigate potential threats and risks effectively; balance among organization, people, process and technology where there is organizational supportRead MorePest Analysis of Nigeria Essay3452 Words   |  14 PagesAnalysis of the Ni gerian Business Environment SWOT Analysis of the Nigerian Business Environment Customer Inserts His/her Name University Name SWOT Analysis of the Nigerian Business Environment 1 Contents Business Environment of Nigeria †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...4 SWOT Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦16 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 SWOT Analysis of the Nigerian Business Environment 2 SWOT Analysis of Nigerian Business EnvironmentRead MoreFraud as a Negative Catalyst in the Nigerian Banking Industry5170 Words   |  21 PagesEmerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 2(5):357-363 (ISSN:2141-7024) Fraud as a Negative Catalyst in the Nigerian Banking Industry Akindele R.I Department of Management and accounting Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Fraud in the Nigerian Banking Industry before the recent merger and acquisition and recapitalisation efforts was at alarming rate. It has caused many banks to collapseRead MoreThe Section Discuss Of The Internationalisation Process5005 Words   |  21 Pagesa pioneer and one of the largest ICT firms in Nigerian (b) Delta is one of the few Nigerian firms with subsidiary in East Africa (c) Delta is the most capitalised ICT firms in Sub-Saharan Africa (c) the firm has subsidiaries in 3 countries and operations in several countries across Africa (d) the firm is an example of how a business business can envolve from been a local firms to internationalise (e) Delta is in a emerging sector of the Nigerian econony as could create a base for extending internationalisationRead MoreTraining and Development: Nigerian Banking Industry8775 Words   |  35 PagesTraining And Development: Nigerian Banking Industry Contents List of Figures 4 Abstract 5 Chapter 1- Introduction 6 Research Objectives 6 Structure of the work 6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 8 Theories of Training and Development 8 Definition of Training and Development 10 Usage of Training in Different Organizations And Different Sectors 10 Frameworks and Models for Training 11 Training Need Analysis 12 Training Design Model 13 Training Implementation 14 Evaluation

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Art of Persuassion and Speeches Essay - 1089 Words

Hundreds and thousands of people were affected by the famous speech made by Martin Luther King Jr. This speech was titled â€Å"I Have A Dream†. (Martin Luther King Jr.) It takes much skill to make this type of impact on this many people. But Martin Luther King Jr. was not the only person capable of persuading a crowd. In the book â€Å"Animal Farm†. (George Orwell) Squealer and Napoleon persuaded the whole farm to be part of a series of malicious activities. In speeches created and presented by Malcolm X you will find similar manipulation and persuasion tactics to have been used. History has been filled with people who practice to master the intricate art of persuasion. The art of persuasion is a skill that not everyone has, however,the â€Å"I Have A†¦show more content†¦is trying to say how the country has what they need to be equal but they choose to not be. In this quote Martin Luther King uses a persuasion topic knows as affiliation. He affiliates what h e wants with what the people can give. When he says â€Å" live out the true meaning of its creed† (Martin Luther King Jr.) this shows that he has faith in the people to do the right thing regardless of the path they are currently on. It is like if somebody out right told you to change verses if they said they believed in you to do the right thing. He also mentions how all men are not equal and this is the biggest concern of the speech. In attempt to sway the listeners thoughts and emotions to those of his liking he uses hopes and beliefs. One example is when he mentions that he hopes his kids will live to see a time of no segregation. He also believes America will come together to produce a unified country. The speeches made by Martin Luther King Jr. and Squealer are considered to be very similar. One of the tactics that they both used was body motions. Martin Luther King waved his hands and Napoleon shook his tail back and forth. As you can see today his efforts at a unified country and a segregated less country have paid off. The next speech was created by Malcolm Little also known as Malcolm X. It was presented on April 12,1964 in Detroit . This speech was given by one of the most influentialShow MoreRelatedThe Media Helps to Construct National Identity and Loyal National Subjects. Discuss.3186 Words   |  13 Pagesand symbols can be perceived as a strategy of engagement where Singaporeans, especially the politically less-informed, would be incited to participate by internalizing the sights and sounds of ‘nationhood’.( Ministry of Information Communication and Arts, 2000) National Rally Thirdly, the National Day Rally would be held after the National Day parade and when all the hype has die down. The media is then used to rationalize the rule of the party and often provide additional benefits for Singaporeans

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Change Management Of Coca-Cola Company †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Change Management Of Coca-Cola Company. Answer: Introduction The Coca-Cola Company is the world's number one maker of soft drinks, selling 1.3 billion beverage servings every day. Coca-Cola's red and white trademark is probably the best-known brand symbol in the world. Headquartered since its founding in Atlanta, Coca-Cola makes four of the top five soft drinks in the world, Coca-Cola at number one and Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite at numbers three through five. The company also operates one of the world's most pervasive distribution systems, offering it's nearly 400 beverage products in more than 200 countries worldwide. Among the company's products are a variety of carbonated beverages (including the aforementioned brands and many others, such as Fresca, Barq's, and Cherry and Vanilla Coke); sports drinks (Powerade and Aquarius); juices and juice drinks (Minute Maid, Fruitopia, Hi-C, Five Alive, Qoo, Maaza, and Bibo); teas (Sokenbicha and Marocha); coffees (Georgia); and bottled waters (Ciel, Dasani, and Bonaqua). Moreover, the company holds the rights to the Schweppes, Canada Dry, Dr. Pepper, and Crush brands outside of North America, Europe, and Australia (, 2017).Change management plan developed byproject management team for implementation of new administration system. The plan aims to provide a framework for managing and coordinating communication across all departments. These plans identify goals and strategies for goals implementation. The person to ensure to change implementation is implemented successfully. The objectives that the project will achieve upon implementing the new change. The constraint for change management. Analysis of stalk holder response to change. Assessment of the readiness of change by the organization. The organization wants to change to adopt new administration system to help it achieve its target. The organization needs to change and adopt dynamic survival strategies to stay alive in uncertain political economic and social environment.Its human nature to resist cha nge and to implement change inmanagement strategies for managing resistance. Project sponsor. Sponsor is the person who oversees the entire change management initiative (Brighthub Project Management, 2017) .The sponsor is the figurehead of the project .for a project to achieve its anticipated benefits, real change can only be affected by proactive sponsor. Too often sponsors believe that their role is limited to securing project funds or attending a kick-off meeting. Effective sponsorship requires more than that: Active involvement and support throughout the change management effort are critical elements for success (Change Champions Consulting, 2017). Educate sponsor on his/her role in the change management project. Sponsorship is not limited to securing resources. It also includes active communication about the change, support for key decisions and removal of roadblocks, andmost importantly. Project objectives The following objectives can be achieved through implementation of new administration system: To improve profitability and return on overall investment To rapidly respond to the customers' demands To increase the employee performance To respond to the rapidly changing environment To improve the overall performance of the company To improve the effectiveness and efficiency To create the best practices inside the organization and setting standards for the industry Change management is needed for organizational survival. So the company should adapt to change management techniques to maintain its worth in the industry. Change elements Three important elements of organizational change are Thinking: How people understand the organization and their ability to learn. How well ideas (management concepts) are tailored to meet the organization's needs, and how well managers communicate them (Anon, 2017). Behavior: How people react to change, how it is discussed and the attitudes that exist related to the proposed change. Infrastructure: The physical environment in which the change takes place, including technology, procedures, organizational structure and the various systems that are of relevance to the work (Anon, 2017) Change in the structure is maintaining the span of control, specifying different work roles, redesigning job scenarios, etc. Change in technology could be an introduction to new innovative methods for improving the product's quality launched by the organization. While the change in people is to bring about alterations in the way people think and act. It means to modify their behavior towards the betterment of organization (Google Books, 2017). Employee engagement The recent change management at coca cola is directed towards the intrinsic values and motivations of the employees and can be referred to as 'employee engagement.' The change management process, together with internal branding programs is expected to bring about ideal behaviors in employees, which would align the operations of coca cola worldwide, and bring about efficiency throughout coca cola across all its business segments. Coca-Cola hopes to bring about a thoroughly integrated system of communications, and focus on creating brand relationships with their employees. This would enhance the operations of Coca-cola, as an integrated approach would mean all employees believe in engaging fully in the values, and this would become an inherent part of the employees at a personal level. Coca-cola is actively seeking to incorporate the change into its company for "building capability in engagement, maintaining engagement momentum and ensuring that engagement is integrated into CCR's people practices" (Samdahl,2011). For this purpose, employee engagement surveys are conducted twice every year for all the coca cola associates, which serve to highlight the areas where the action is required, and further actions and implementations can henceforth be executed. Coca-cola believes that their business results hinge on the dedication of their employees to operational excellence. The company truly recognizes the importance of the people to the business, and knows that to continue to bring about tremendous results it is bringing in, employees throughout the world should believe in the values intrinsically, and therefore the employee engagement is being focused on all the countries the company serves to align, thoroughly integrate and align the company so that operational efficiency can be achieved. Barriers to change management: Lack of Employee Involvement This is perhaps the most common barrier to change management. Employees always have a fear of change, and unless they are involved in the change process, it is highly likely that even the most loyal member of your employees will resist the change. The biggest mistake some organizations make is a failure to involve employees in the change process. Lack of Effective Communication Strategy Some organizations have no effective communication strategy. In fact, some top leaders always assume that once they announce the change, people will adjust and be ready to get started with the new development. Unknown Current State Change is always difficult for organizations that lack the idea of their current state. Trying to introduce and implement change without conducting an assessment and understanding the current blueprint of the organization is a common habit by many entities. Organization Complexity There comes a time when organizations begin to develop complex processes, making the process of planning and implementing change a bit more complex. The complexities include complex processes, products, and systems, all which contribute to change barriers because they are often quite difficult for the members of the organization to understand. Key stakeholders analysis Coca-Cola Company can use two change management tools to make sure that all people who are required to be the part of change management process. These tools are Force Field analysis and AKADAR model. Force field analysis is a technique developed by Kurt Lewin to scrutinize the forces that are causing an opposition to change process ((Change Management Coach, 2017). By doing Force Field Analysis, Coca-Cola Company will be able to induct people who are in need of appropriate training. Another useful tool is AKADAR model which stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. Through AKDAR model, firm creates awareness about the need of change, generate desire in the people to help in transitioning process, give knowledge to the people that how they can help the change process, and develop an ability in the people to go through the change and provide them with continuous reinforcement to withstand the change). Conclusion To conclude, it may be said that communication can be a key element to successful change management. Communicate the changes to the employees; tell them why the change was inevitable and how they will benefit from the change. The management should itself adopt a positive attitude towards the change so that employees can follow their lead and welcome the change. Coca-cola as a company has a heritage of embracing change rather than resist it, and it should translate into their future endeavors towards change management to ensure that the organization is best poised to market under all sorts of environmental conditions References Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: https://ttps:// [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Brighthub Project Management. (2017). The Role of the Sponsor In Bringing Change to a Project. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Change Champions Consulting. (2017). Change Management: Executive Sponsorship. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Change Management Coach. (2017). Lewin's Force Field Analysis Explained. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. (2017). What Could Go Wrong? How to Manage Risk for Successful Change Initiatives | Harvard Professional Development | Harvard DCE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Google Books. (2017). Organizational Immunity to Corruption. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. (2017). The Coca-Cola Company - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on The Coca-Cola Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Smartsheet. (2017). 8 Elements of an Effective Change Management Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]. Thomas, M. and profile, V. (2017). Elements of a Change Management Plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017]

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth Essay Example

Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? Paper There are a number of reasons why Henry VII won the Battle of Bosworth. Whilst there were political, military and economic reasons why Henry won, the political reasons held more weight. There were long term political reasons that contributed significantly to Henry’s success. For instance, the marriage arranged by Elizabeth Woodville and Margaret Beaufort that united Henry and Elizabeth of York. The marriage was publically announced by Henry in 1483 in the Rennes Chapel, Brittany. The marriage not only strengthened Henry’s claim to the thrown and increased his legitimacy, which was very important at this point in History, but it also increased Henry’s support. It did this by uniting the support of Elizabeth and Margaret who had previously been enemies. This gave Henry support on the Battlefield from not only Lancastrians but some Yorkists that had supported Edward V too, which naturally contributed to his victory as he had more people in England supporting him. Henry’s exile to Brittany was also important in Henry’s success. During his 14 year exile in Brittany, Henry had been gathering a court in Paris as well as collecting troops for an invasion. It can be argued that due to the opinion that Henry Tudor might be useful in further negotiations with England, Henry VII had the support and protection of the Duke of Brittany. The implications of this and befriending welsh exiles were hugely beneficial to Henry. Through having this support Henry was able to collect 1,500 French mercenaries, over 1,000 welsh soldiers and had the support of 400-500 loyal welsh exiles. We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Henry VII win the Battle of Bosworth? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This support contributed largely to his total army of around 5,000. Without this support it seems that Henry would barely have had an army at all, so his exile to Brittany was hugely important to his win at the Battle of Bosworth. Perhaps what is just as important to take into account as Henry’s support, was Richard’s lack of support. Through Richard’s usurpation of the throne he had made many enemies. It caused splits in the Yorkist party and caused fear and doubt within the people. He had failed to win the full support of the nobility and had dropped in popularity even further after the introduction of his policy which involved him putting northerners in southern counties. In addition, with the speculation that Richard had murdered his nephews in 1483, his popularity only dropped further. Richard’s decrease in popularity meant that people who no longer supported Richard would therefore support Henry, adding yet again to Henry’s support which contributed to him winning the Battle of Bosworth. There were also short terms political reasons behind Henry’s win. For instance, the role of the Stanleys on the battle field. It was arguably the turning point of the battle when the brothers, who had remained impartial surveying the battle waiting to see which army would take the lead, decided to enter it on the Lancastrian side. Having made up nearly half of Richard III’s army, this addition of 6,500 soldiers to the Lancastrian army resulted in it being the bigger army of the two sides. They had a tactical position on the field, one brother on each side of the field, which meant when they attacked William, they could attack him from both sides. It was a combination of having more soldiers and the Stanley brother’s strategic location on the battle field that then led to Richard’s death and the end of the battle. There were some short term military reasons as to why Henry won the Battle of Bosworth. Henry’s uncle Jasper Tudor was able to assist him with his military expertise however it was largely down to military luck and chance that Henry was victorious. Despite Richard the III having more troops that were better equipped, considerably more cavalry, the advantaged position on Ambien Hill and vastly more experience of battle, the first hour of the battle was evenly matched. This made Henry lucky, as the odds were heavily against him. It could be argued it was also Henry’s luck that the Stanley brothers joined his side. However, when stalemate occurred Henry rode across to the Stanley’s to offer persuasion to join the Lancastrian side. The fact that the Stanley’s did eventually join the battle on Henry’s side provides evidence that Henry’s confidence as a military leader by being forward thinking and taking his initiative could instead be responsible in gaining the Stanleys support rather than it being completely down to luck. Richard’s tactical errors in the battle also contributed to why Henry won. Richard lost the opportunity to gain advantage in attacking Oxford by being too hesitant. This resulted in Oxford launching the first attack on Norfolk who was then killed. Richard’s risk taking could either show him as a tactical leader, or a reckless one. However his risk in charging down from Ambien hill to attack Henry with the aim to potentially end the battle backfired on him as it resulted in his death as he had played into Henry’s hands. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that Richard’s risk taking was yet another tactical error on his part, which helped Henry VII win. As well as political and military reasons, there were also economic explanations as to why Henry won the Battle of Bosworth. In order to have the resources and equipment for battle, large amounts of money were needed. Henry was able to gain the necessary economic support from Charles VIII of France due to Charles hoping this would distract Richard III from sending help to Brittany. It was this economic support that gave Henry VII the best chance in battle which therefore contributed to his victory. It is clear to see that without doubt that the political reasons for Henry winning the Battle of Bosworth not only outnumber the military and economic reasons but they are of greater importance too. The military reasons hold little significance due to the nature of the battle. This is effectively put by Charles Oman, writer of The Art of War in the Middle Ages that the Battle of Bosworth â€Å"can hardly be taken for serious military study- since it was not settled by strategy or tactics, but by mere treachery†. In addition to this, the economic reason was only one piece in the jigsaw puzzle to why Henry won, whereas the political reasons, both long term and short, made larger contributions to the victory as a whole not only in the build up to the Battle, but during the Battle itself.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Free Essays on Extremities

The play Extremities focuses on something that is happing too often in America today. When a play is based on such a sensitive subject such as rape, the audience is expecting to leave the play with an unique message, that will is some way, shape or form widen their viewer’s knowledge. As a viewer I left the play with a feeling of disappointment. I was not only disappointed with the performance of the cast, but also with the tone of the play that was set by the reactions of the audience. While observing the play there would be scenes that were supposed to be important, but some people in the audience thought were humorous. I think this took away from my focus on the play and I did not receive the full message of the play. With the idea that a rape gone bad could escalate into a totally different situation for the rapist and the woman being raped was very clever. The overall presentation of the play was acceptable but the performances could have been better. Each actor played a substantial role in the play but the victim (Marjorie) of the almost rape stood out to me the most. She is a model of many women today. The rapist (Raul) claimed that he raped her because he saw her bike riding in small shorts and her top was basically a bra. Too many females dress in almost nothing and expect to get positive reaction from men, even knowing the fact that some men can and will be vulgar and treat you as you portray yourself. I liked how the play portrayed a process that rapists use to plan their attacks on there victims. There is no certain amount of time that a rapist takes to attack their victim. The time can range from a week to a few years and you usually do not know when you are being stalked until it is too late. The whole incident took a 180 degree turn when the Raul ended up being the one tortured. I really did not like the way Marjorie suddenly went crazy when she fell into a position of power. She kept Raul in a cage, ... Free Essays on Extremities Free Essays on Extremities The play Extremities focuses on something that is happing too often in America today. When a play is based on such a sensitive subject such as rape, the audience is expecting to leave the play with an unique message, that will is some way, shape or form widen their viewer’s knowledge. As a viewer I left the play with a feeling of disappointment. I was not only disappointed with the performance of the cast, but also with the tone of the play that was set by the reactions of the audience. While observing the play there would be scenes that were supposed to be important, but some people in the audience thought were humorous. I think this took away from my focus on the play and I did not receive the full message of the play. With the idea that a rape gone bad could escalate into a totally different situation for the rapist and the woman being raped was very clever. The overall presentation of the play was acceptable but the performances could have been better. Each actor played a substantial role in the play but the victim (Marjorie) of the almost rape stood out to me the most. She is a model of many women today. The rapist (Raul) claimed that he raped her because he saw her bike riding in small shorts and her top was basically a bra. Too many females dress in almost nothing and expect to get positive reaction from men, even knowing the fact that some men can and will be vulgar and treat you as you portray yourself. I liked how the play portrayed a process that rapists use to plan their attacks on there victims. There is no certain amount of time that a rapist takes to attack their victim. The time can range from a week to a few years and you usually do not know when you are being stalked until it is too late. The whole incident took a 180 degree turn when the Raul ended up being the one tortured. I really did not like the way Marjorie suddenly went crazy when she fell into a position of power. She kept Raul in a cage, ...

Friday, February 21, 2020

The seductive play of power in Richard III Essay

The seductive play of power in Richard III - Essay Example The Middle Ages in England was characterized by power politics. Buckingham is as seduced by power as Richard is. In fact even before Richard explicitly reveals his intention of seizing the crown, Buckingham is seen hatching plots so cunningly, that Richard is delightfully tempted to say: "My other self, my counsel's consistory,/My oracle, my prophet! My dear cousin,/ I, like a child, will go by thy direction./ Towards Ludlow then, for we'll not stay behind." It is interesting to note that the women characters are not fleshed out in the play and are only allowed declamations. This is reasoned by Miner and Irene G. Dash who refers to the women in the play as "ciphers" or "nonpersons" because they are widows and their sole source of power and of social identity-their husbands-is gone. However, it is Richard's play. No other role matters much. He is a grand parodist - of himself, of stage conventions and of other characters. That is the secret of his outrageous charm. His great power over the audience and the other figures in his drama is a compound of terror and charm. Richard's zest, his antic glee in his own diabolism, is infectious. The sadomasochistic seduction of Lady Anne by Richard is by far the most fascinating episode in the play. She is seduced by the power of his rhetoric and his forceful emotional argument when he bares his chest and hands her his sword asking her to either kill him or take him up: "for I did kill King Henry-/But 'twas thy beauty that provoked me./ Nay, now dispatch; 'twas I that stabb'd young Edward-/But 'twas thy heavenly face that set me on." (Act I scene ii) Harold F. Brooks calls this Richard's "breathtaking impudence". Another instance where Richard seduces through the power of his language is in Act IV, scene iv. In order to consolidate his power, he falsely swears to Queen Elizabeth that he is in love with her daughter, and to gain credibility he wishes upon himself a curse that should take effect if his vow proves false: "God and fortune, bar me happy hours!/ Day, yield me not thy light, nor, night, thy rest!" His most triumphant parody occurs in Act III scene vii when he dupes the citizens of London into petitioning him to be their king. By imitating a holy man and appearing reluctant to accept the crown, Richard succeeds in getting the power he craves: "Would you enforce me to a world of care/ Well, call them again. I am not made of stone,/ But penetrable to your. kind entreats,/ Albeit against my conscience and my soul." Shakespeare's greatest originality in Richard III which redeems what some critics call an otherwise cumbersome and overwritten drama, is the hero-villain's startlingly intimate relationship with the audience. From the first line of the play, Richard woos the audience through the seductive power of his soliloquy: "Now is the winter of our discontent/ Made glorious summer by this sun of York;" Enthralled, the audience is on unnervingly confidential terms with him. They are unable to resist Richard's outrageous charm, making Machiavels out of them all. They are entertained by the suffering of others. Richard co-opts them as fellow-torturers, making them share guilty pleasures with the added frisson

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Value Added Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Value Added - Essay Example The unit profit is arrived at by calculating the difference between the production cost and the sale price. In order to determine the total value added is obtained by adding all the value added figures of all the units. Essentially, the difference between revenue and outside purchases is equivalent to total value added. In terms of analysis, the figure obtained of value added offers a range of interpretations. For instance, integrated companies usually regard value added as a higher portion of revenue whereas companies that are less integrated consider it as a lower portion of revenue. Another method of approximating total value added is by combining total labor expense, operating profit, and depreciation expense in that order (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2012). According to standard procedure, the operating profit must come before depreciation expense. Labor expense includes such items as benefits, wages, and salaries. The figure of total labor expense is usually considered as a retur n to labor while the value of operating profit is generally considered as a return to capital. Capital comprises of items such as land, properties, and capital goods. Normally, it is considered important to follow the standard procedure when arriving at the different figures. Factors of production are usually considered in terms of value added when determining the figure of value added in macroeconomic calculations. Calculating value added in national accounts usually involves capital and labor (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2012). Alternative definitions usually consider value added as the extra features, which extend over standard expectations of a given product or a service. Such items do not involve the cost of the product. According to some theoretical approaches, value added is considered as the difference in the prices incurred by a company over a product and the price paid by a customer for the same customer. As such, arriving at the figure of value added is through the determin ation of the difference in the prices. The figure is obtained by subtracting the company’s cost from the customer’s cost and then adding the figure of services to the results. Theoretically, value added could be understood in terms of the different enhancements that a business puts on a particular product with the objective of increasing the value of the product (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2012). In this manner, value added is considered as a determination of the different qualities that are created on a given product or service. Value added can increase the price of a give product or its value. Generally, value added is considered as one of the ways in which a firm enhances the competitive advantage of its products or services. Other perspectives on value added describe it as an increase in the value of goods or services as they transit from one stage of production to another.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Improving Concordance to Smoking Cessation Treatment

Improving Concordance to Smoking Cessation Treatment National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2009) identified that medicine taking is a complex human behaviour that lies ultimately, in the hands of the patient. NICE (2009) estimates that between a third and a half of all medicines prescribed are not taken as recommended and Dunbar-Jacob et al (1995) evaluates that up to 80 per cent of patients can be expected not to comply with their treatment at some time. Shuttleworth (2006) noticed that health professionals use two terms to describe the medicine taking behaviour of patients: compliance and respectively adherence. Compliance represents the extent to which a persons behaviour coincides with the medical advice, for example patients to do as they are told (Haynes et al, 1979) while adherence is the capacity of the patient to self-regulate his or her treatment, for example his or her ability to re-fill prescriptions (Brock, 2000). Medicines Partnership (2003) argue that in both compliance and adherence patients have a passive role, with no implication in their care and therefore concordance is needed to correct issues of non-compliance and non-adherence. Concordance advocates the idea of shared decision-making between health professionals and patients and it requires health professionals to engage with patients as partners, taking into account their beliefs and concerns (Medicines Partnership, 2003). NICE (2009) insists that the biggest challenge of the research of concordance is how to influence and change behaviour and this is where health psychology comes in. According to Marks and Evans (2005) health psychology attempts to move away from a linear model of health that treats only the physical, to a model that treats the whole person including his or her behaviour. In this essay the author will critically discuss how knowledge of health psychology can help nurses improve concordance with treatment in smoking cessation treatment. The idea promoted is that smoking is a behaviour influenced by the patients beliefs; the nurse will explore the patients beliefs on smoking and will help the patient to make an informed decision regarding her treatment. Patient X will be used as an example to observe behaviour change. The Stages of Change Model and other theories from health psychology will also be discussed. Discussion: Health Development Agency (2004) estimates that smoking is the greatest single cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK, being responsible for more than 106,500 deaths each year. Approximately 4000 chemical compounds have been identified in the cigarette smoke, of which 40 are known to cause cancer (McEwen et al, 2006). Among these compounds tar was linked to cancer, lung disease and heart disease; carbon monoxide (CO) was also identified as an inevitable consequence of the combustion that takes place while smoking (Tyler, 1995); furthermore, nicotine was found in cigarettes, however nicotine is not connected to cancer but with the addiction process. According to the RCPÂ  [1]Â  (2000) nicotine meets all criteria used to define a drug of dependence and Wilkinson et al (2004) reasons that this makes smoking not a habit but an addiction. In the light of these, nurses face a real challenge when trying to improve patients concordance with smoking cessation treatment. However, NIHÂ  [2]Â  (2008) urges that most patients are ready to hear and receive help from nurses as the patients willpower alone has been shown to succeed in only 3 per cent cases of smoking cessation (McNeill et al, 2001). The following scenario will be used to exemplify a nurses action and use of health psychology knowledge in helping improve a patients concordance with smoking cessation treatment: Patient X is a bank manager. She has been a smoker for ten years. She is married and has one child age 5. She doesnt want to stop smoking because smoking calms her nerves, because it is not a good time and because she is afraid of withdrawal symptoms and gaining weight. The nurse will use the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model to assess patients X motivation. The model was developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in 1982 to examine the five stages of change in addictive behaviours. According to Odgen (2009) the model is dynamic, not linear, with individuals moving backwards and forwards across the stages. The first stage of the model is Pre-contemplation. Patient X was identified as being in this stage because she is not interested in quitting. McGough (2004) points out that sometimes beliefs are used to sustain unhealthy behaviours, for example cigarettes calm my nerves, as patient X claims. To address such health beliefs and her resistance to change, the nurse will use a consciousness raising exercise, respectively she will address patient X reasons for not quitting and give counterpoints to refute these reasons (Perkins, Conklin and Levine, 2007; Kaufman and Birks, 2009). For example, patient X states that it is not the right time; the nurse can address this by saying, Im concerned about your health and I would like you to consider quitting. I know its going to be difficult because it will interfere with life responsibilities however, the perfect time to quit may never come therefore this moment is as good to quit as any (Perkins, Conklin and Levine, 2007; Hollis et al, 2003; Rana and Upton, 2009). TMAÂ  [3]Â  (2008) suggests that such message can prove more effective than a lecture about the lung cancer however the nurse can have a stop smoking handout to give to the patient as well. This interaction with the patient must be kept as patient-centred as possible to improve concordance with treatment (Walker, J et al, 2007). Balint et al (1970) as cited in Rena and Upton (2009) suggest that being patient-centred should involve the asking and receiving of questions and information which result in patients understanding of the health information and the treatment proposed. An accurate assessment of patient X within this stage will generate a strong treatment plan, therefore improved concordance (Straub, 2006; Brock, 2000). Furthermore, the nurse will convey warmth, understanding, acceptance and respect for the patient; this will help develop a fundamental nurse-patient relationship that is seen as a contributing factor to the patients concordance with the treatment regimen (Rana and Upton, 2006; Donohue and Levensky, 2006). By learning that smoking is not good for her health patient X will move to the second stage of the Stages of Change Model called Contemplation. The patient is now aware of the health risks that smoking entails and contemplates the idea of quitting (Perkins, Conklin and Levine, 2007). At this stage motivational interviewing can be used by the nurse to allow the patient to discover her own internal motivating factors in the favour of quitting; examples of factors can be: my five year old child will grow in a smoke free environment or I will have less changes of getting cancer (Ogden, 2009; NIHÂ  [4]Â  , 2009). Furthermore, the nurse can suggest that patient X writes down as a reminder I lose these benefits every day that I do not quit smoking (Connors, Donovan and DiClemente, 2004). Moreover, the nurse can help patient X identify the pros and cons of smoking cessation treatment (Hollis et al, 2003). According to the Health Belief Model (HBM) (Rosentock, 1974 as cited in Rana and Upton, 2009) by weighing the pros and cons of treatment, people arrive at a decision of whether the perceived benefits (e.g. NRTÂ  [5]Â  ) outweighs the perceived barriers (e.g. being afraid of the side effects of NRT). Moreover, patient X is concerned that she may gain weight upon quitting. By still using the HBM the nurse can help the patient decide whether the perceived benefits of quitting (e.g. improved health) outweighs the perceived barriers (e.g. gaining weight) (Perkins, Conklin and Levine 2007). The HBM is a social cognition model that has been applied to understand adherence behaviour in patients. This model suggests that the likelihood that someone will engage in a given health behaviour (e.g. adherence) is a result of four functions: perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits and cues to action (Rena and Upton, 2009). In an argument against HBMs application to smoking cessation, Robinson and Beridge (2003) state that weighing pros and cons of smoking cessation treatment is not a reliable approach because the smoking behaviour is underlined by addiction, so that it operates outside conscious awareness and it does not follow decision-making rules. Perkins, Conklin and Levine (2007) agree that the motivational intervention used in the contemplation stage may push the person into the third stage of the Stages of Change model, called Preparation. The patient is now determined to make a change. Both the nurse and patient X will share a decision making over preparation strategies; the outcome of this partnership will be a patient-centred, tailored plan that will improve adherence. For example, a nicotine patch may indeed help patient X to quit smoking, but a patient Z who not only has nicotine patches but also told his family and colleagues (especially those who smoke) about his quit attempt and ask for their support, is likely to be more successful than someone who relies on nicotine patches and willpower alone because social support enhances the likelihood of adherence (TMA, 2009; McEwen et al, 2006; Medicines Partnership, 2003). Furthermore, patient X will be encouraged to set a quit date. The chosen date should be of significance for the patient so she can feel motivated to adhere to the treatment (Gross and Kinnision, 2007). Moreover, the nurse may suggest behavioural changes such as clearing the house of all cigarettes and lighters (Marinker and Shaw, 2003). Patient X will also be educated to recognize withdrawal symptoms and will be given tips on how to resist cravings (e.g. keep busy, eat fruits, sip water, call a helping friend); patient X will be re-assured that withdrawal symptoms last 2-4 weeks and reduce gradually; also, the nurse must introduce patient X to medication that can help reduce the severity of the withdrawal discomfort, such as NRT and Bupropion (McEwen et al, 2000). According to NICE (2009) the information about medication should be written to serve as a reminder at any stage of the treatment. Moreover, the patient will be shown how to use nicotine patches and gums because in this stage specific skills rather than motivation alone are needed to facilitate concordance with treatment (Gross and Kinnison, 2007; Thomason, Parahoo and Blair, 2007). Furthermore, the nurse will answer any questions that the patient may have regarding medication. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (1997) as cited in Rana and Upton (2009) suggests that how individuals perceive and think about medication (medication belief) is important when considering treatment adherence, therefore the nurse should be aware of patients X medication beliefs if she wants to break the barrier of non-adherence to treatment. Patient X is now considered ready to move into the penultimate stage of the Stages of Change Model called Action. At this stage, the nurse must provide on-going support to prevent the patients relapse. The nurse is encouraged to be honest with patient X about the likelihood of reverting to the old behaviour once the change process has started, not because the nurse expects patient X to fail, but because it normalizes the experience and takes away some of sense of failure and shame (Singer, 2009). The nurse will also monitor patient Xs CO and saliva cotinine to confirm abstinence and boost motivation (Haskard-Zolnierek and DiMatteo, 2010). According to the Foundation for Blood research (2010) many patients may not be truthful when answering questions about their smoking behaviour, therefore tests such as measuring the amount of nicotine in saliva and the amount of carbon monoxide levels in the patients expired air can be useful to compare self-reported smoking behaviour against real measurements. In an argument against this, Riemsma et al (2003) state that there is no evidence that moving an individual closer to the action stage actually results in a sustained change of behaviour at a later date. After approximately six months in the action stage patient X will move to the last stage of the Stages of change model, the maintenance stage. The nurse will praise the patient for the efforts made to change the unhealthy behaviour into a healthy one. This will make the patient feel self-efficient and have confidence to maintain the behavioural changes done in the quitting process (Odgen, 2009; NIH 2009). Self-efficacy is a term introduced by Bandura (1997) as a cognitive mechanism underlying behavioural change. According to this theory, efficacy determines whether coping behaviour is initiated and maintained when faced with obstacles (e.g. nicotine cravings) (DiClemente, 1981). Furthermore, the nurse can also write down essential tips to help patient X maintain concordance with treatment, such as do something else instead of smoking, keep yourself busy, avoid tempting situations and stick with your effort to quit, you can do it (Johnson et al, 1999; NIH, 2009). Conclusion: To review, within this essay the author highlighted the ideas that knowledge of health psychology can be used to understand the patients smoking related health beliefs and also, improved concordance with smoking cessation treatment can be achieved by involving the patient as partner in care.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Drug Addiction :: Social Issues, Drug and Alcohol Abuse

According to Webster's New Worldâ„ ¢ Medical Dictionary, 3rd Edition, Addiction is a chronic relapsing condition characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and abuse and by long-lasting chemical changes in the brain. Addiction is the same irrespective of whether the drug is alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, or nicotine. Every addictive substance induces pleasant states or relieves distress. Continue use of addictive substances induces adaptive changes in the brain that lead to tolerance, physical dependence, uncontrollable craving and, all too often, relapse. Dependence is at such a point that stopping is very difficult and causes severe physical and mental damage from withdrawal (WILLIAM C. SHIEL JR., 2008). Over the past two decades, many researchers have identified subgroups of alcohol and drug user based in similarities like drinking style (Kevin M. King, 2009), behavior problems, etiology, outcome, and other clinically significant phenomena; making the most predominant the antisocial, primarily neurotic, mixed neurotic and antisocial, and psychotic (Malow, 1989). But the antisocial features have been the most prominent between all the subtypes; especially on drug user. This literature will review these thru the following questions: 1. How addiction impact family and social relationships? 2. Do alcohol and drug addictions have relationship with crime? 3. What is the economic cost related to alcohol and drug addiction? How addiction impact family and social relationships? Drug and alcohol abuse is a large problem for adults in our world today. It is destructive, not just in terms of its effect on the addict but for the suffering it inflicts on the loved ones and family (Sadava, 1987). Though the addict may have no conscious intention of harming his companions and relatives, his self-destructive actions are a source of anguish for anyone with genuine affection for him/her. One of the most common situations is when the partner tries to hide the addict’s behavior from family member, co-workers, employer or general public. This type of behavior is known as Codependence (Malow, 1989). A codependent partner will make up excuses for the addict’s work absences or a car accident; even will tries to clean up any legal messes resulting from the addict’s behavior; allowing the addict to continue his destructive path without dealing with its consequences. Consequences that can go from continuous fights to elevated levels of dome stic violence. Most the time related to financial hardships, causes by the addict’s need to buy drugs, as well as from his inability to find consistent employment.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Human memory Essay

The investigation into whether images aid memory recall has been fairly successful. The experimental hypothesis: participants in condition 1(words with images) would perform better than those in condition 2 (words without images), has been rejected therefore the null hypothesis: there will be no difference in condition 1 (involving grid of random words supported by images) and condition 2 (only consisting of random words) has been accepted. Only to some extent from the line graph (Condition 1 vs. Condition 2), can we say condition 1 (words with images) recalled more words than those in condition 2 (words without images) because the line for condition 1 is generally above the line for condition 2 and this fairly supports the experimental hypothesis. The results measured using central tendency and measures of dispersion moderately support the experimental hypothesis. The mean and median for condition 1 (14. 1 & 14. 5) was greater than of condition 2 (12. 6 & 13. 5) indicating that there is a better recall when words are companied by visual aid and this supports the experimental hypothesis. The range (11) illustrated that data for both conditions were equally spread out, which does not necessary support the experimental hypothesis. Standard deviation, a more reliable measure of the dispersion than range has shown data in condition 2 (3. 977715704) is slightly more spread out than in condition 1 (3. 604010112). Descriptive statistics (numerical & graphical) have illustrated that condition 1 (words with images) performed better and this supports the experimental hypothesis. Not only do the numerical statistics support the hypothesis but the results are fairly pronounced, simply by looking at the line graph (graphical statistics); there is definitely a difference between both conditions although the Mann-Whitney U-test shows this to be below the level of significance. Inferential statistics, which enable us to draw clear conclusions about the likelihood of the hypothesis being true, is evidence for accepting the null hypothesis. The implication of the results measured using a non-parametric method, The Mann-Whitney U-test clearly shows that at the significance level of 0. 05, the results were very likely to have happened by chance. Though the observed value, 35 is greater than the critical value of 23 but only by 10. Comparatively, the findings of this study support previous theory and research but also are contrary to them. Bower, 1972 imagery recall experiment found that participants, who used imagery, recalled 80% of the words compared to only 45% by the non-imagers. In this investigation, participants in condition 1 (words with images) recalled 70. 5% of the words compared to 63% by the non-imagers. My investigation does support Bower’s findings, since there is a difference however the differences between the two conditions is not significant. Previous research does suggest that data in STM is stored in an acoustic manner this was demonstrated by Conrad (1964). Illustrating people may not always use visual codes to remember data and this supports the null hypothesis; in addition Baddeley’s (1966) study suggests that data is also stored semantically and this again illustrates that people may not always use visual codes. A possible problem with this experiment is the experimental design which lacks ecological validity and also does not account for individual differences. The study used independent groups, which meant it lacked control of participant variable and needed more participants. A matched participant design could have been used instead to deal with participant variables as participants are matched on key variables such as age and memory ability. Another problem of the study was the sample size. The study only used 20 participants, a small sample; therefore findings cannot be generalised to the rest of the population. So, a larger sample size of 50+ would be more representative and can be generalised. In addition, the investigation used opportunity sampling, which is very biased, and again it cannot be generalised. Random sampling would be the best method to select participants since it is potentially unbiased. An additional problem was the images used; some of the images were cartoon images (i. e. bible & pizza) and others were actual photographs (real life images, i. e. greenhouse). This may have been a problem since real life images may possibly be easier to remember than cartoon images or vice versa. To resolve such problem, would be by using only cartoon images alone or only real life images. The recall between genders may have wider implications: on the whole men have performed better than women, when studies have shown women should perform better than men. For example; women perform better than men in tasks such as verbal learning remembering tasks, name face association, and first last name associations learning (Larrabee and Crook, 1993). Ideas for a follow up research study is the effects of gender recall and discover if there is a significant effect for the sex of a participant on the types of gender associated images recalled and to compare the effects of visual and semantic codes in depth. There is evidence to illustrate that people do remember more with the aid of visual representation and evidence to illustrate people remember more without any visual representation. This itself suggests people do remember data and information differently (individual differences), i. e. acoustically, semantically. Therefore it is important to recognize these findings as they have strong insinuations for its involvement in everyday life, for example with teaching, revision and marketing. References & Bibliography Atkinson, R. C. & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968) Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K. W. Spence and J. T. Spence (Eds. ), The psychology of learning and motivation, vol. 8. London: Academic Press Baddeley, A. D. (1966) Encoding in LTM: The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long-term memory for word sequences. Quart. J. exp. Psychol. , 18, 302-9 Bahrick, H. P. (1975) The nature of LTM: ‘Fifty years of memory for names and faces: A cross-sectional approach’, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 104, pp. 54-75

Friday, January 3, 2020

Sociological Analysis of Brothers Keeper - 656 Words

Brothers Keeper Sociology is an important part of science in that it tends to create a distinction between the different values and norms that people hold in the society. Theories in sociology have been depicted in books and movies. Brother’s Keeper is a 1992 movie by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky. The movie tends to reveal the characters of different members of the society. It creates a distinction between the different forms of social orders that exist in the society. The movie revolves around the lifestyle of The Ward brothers who live in Munnsville; New York. The movie’s main theme tends to contrast two groups of people in the society. One group consists of people who come from the rural areas while the other group is that of people from the urban setting. The social norm of the people in the rural areas is based on simplicity and illiteracy. The story revolves around the murder of one of The Ward Brothers. The death of William occurs and his brother Delbert is accused of killing him. Delbert denies the allegations but before he is set free he is taken into custody and made to sign some forms. According the social norms of the people of Munnsville, The Ward Brothers are illiterate and they live a life of simplicity. After the death of William, law enforcers make Delbert to sign some forms that he does not understand because of his illiteracy. This can be seen as a contrast in the social order between the rural setting and the modern urban setting. This notion is